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Jim McManus

Executive Director of Public Health, Health

25 Years' quality and transformation experience across health, local government and not for profit sectors

Jim McManus's Bio:

Jim McManus is President of the Association of Directors of Public Health and Executive Director of Public Health for Hertfordshire County Council. He is Prevention SRO or the Hertfordshire and West Essex Integrated Care System. He has worked across public, commercial and not for profit sectors and has 25 years experience of leadership. Jim is a psychologist, theologian and public health specialist by training. He has lengthy experience of working in equality and diversity, and is qualified and experienced in HR, Organizational Development, Strategic Learning and Development and Quality Improvement. He is a Chartered Psychologist and Fellow of the British Psychological Society, and a Chartered Fellow with the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. He was a Health Foundation Generation Q Quality Improvement Fellow and completed a postgraduate Leadership programme in quality improvement at Ashridge Hult Business School. His passion is to find ways to make business, services and customer experience better, and to use insights from a range of disciplines like psychology, public health and other sciences to help drive this. Jim likes working across disciplines to find solutions for challenges. He was one of the lead authors of the English National Strategy for Behavioural and Social Sciences in Public Health, which seeks to get public health and social sciences working together practically at national and local level, and is past Chair and a current Trustee of the national Behavioural Science in Public Health Network. Jim’s LinkedIn profile provides further information on his experience and skills.

Jim McManus's Experience:

  • Director of Public Health at Hertfordshire County Council

    Jim leads Public Health services for a population of 1.2million people and maintains partnerships with corporate, statutory and voluntary sector bodies to improve and protect the health of the population. You can read our current strategy for public health here and our previous one here Jim leads work on our corporate prevention transformation programme which you can read here He also leads the Population Health Management programme across the Hertfordshire and West Essex STP footprint.

  • Joint Director of Public Health at Birmingham City Council and NHS Birmingham

    Working with the city council and the birmingahm health and wellbeing partnership Jim led and implemented a range of programmes including social care prevention programmes from falls prevention to assistive technology. You can read about some of this here Jim lead a team using analytics to support better service development and you can read one example of the team’s work here

  • Asst Director of Public Health / Consultant in Public Health at Barking and Dagenham PCT and North East London Cardiac and Stroke Network

    Working both within the PCT and for the North East London Cardiac Nerwork, Jim focused on public health and service redesign both including redesign of cardiac and stroke pathways, development of new imaging services, redesign of services to reduce hospital inpatient and outpatient stays and development of fast track community services in primary care. He also undertook a major transformation exercise on child and adolescent mental health services.

  • Head of Policies at Groundwork UK

    Managing a diverse team of policy and project staff whose functions ranged from providing technical consultancy to business to work on young people, health and international work.

  • Asst Head of Crime and Social Policy at Nacro Crime and Social Policy

    Jim led consultants providing advice and support to Community safety partnerships and others. Work ranged across hate crime, crime auditing, partnerships, strategies, health and substance use. Many of the publications and tool from this time are now out of print (and out of date) but an archive has been retained and copies may be had of those which have been retained from Jim

Jim McManus's Education:

  • Ashridge Hult

    Postgraduate Certificate in Leadership (Quality Improvement)
    Concentration: Quality Improvement
    Activities: This course was part of my Health Foundation Generation Q programme.
  • British Psychological Society

    Chartered Psychologist, Fellow
    Concentration: Psychology
    Activities: Chartered Psychologist then Chartered scientist, then Associate Fellow and now Fellow . Search the List of Chartered Members here
  • University of Winchester

    Postgraduate Certificate in Theology
    Concentration: Theology and Practice
  • University of Lancaster

    Postgraduate Certificate in Health Research Methods
    Concentration: Health Research Methods
    Activities: One of the great things about this course was the way it helped me begin to understand mixed methods better
  • UK Public Health Register

    Concentration: Public Health
    Activities: Search the Register here
  • Faculty of Public Health of the Royal Colleges of Physicians of the United Kingdom

    Concentration: Public Health
    Activities: Diplomate membership by examination, then full membership by examinatiom then Fellowship
  • The Science Council

    Chartered Scientist
    Concentration: Psychology
    Activities: Search the register here
  • Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development

    Chartered Fellow, previously Chartered Member
    Concentration: Learning and Development
    Activities: Graduate Member 2003 then Chartered Member 2004 then Fellow, specialising in strategic learning and development, (that was the title of the CIPD qualification I took towards Graduate Membership) leadership development and organisational approaches to equality and diversity
  • Open University

    Graduate Conversion Diploma in Psychology
    Concentration: Psychology
    Activities: You can read about the accreditation of this course here
  • University of Glasgow

    Bachelor of Divinity (Hons) 2:1. [Theology]
    Concentration: Systematic and Practical Theology) joint honours
    Activities: This joint honours degee included practical theology and pastoral care and counselling and pastoral psychology as well as systematic theology. Awarded the Cleland and Rae Wilson Medal and the Dixon Prize, both for Systematic Theology in 1988-89. Awarded an Auslandsstipendium by the Austrian Ministry of Science and Research in 1986 to undertake a study period in Austria (learning German in Summer 1986)
  • University of Roehampton

    DTh Practical Theology
    Concentration: Currently reading for this
    Activities: Doctoral programme in Practical Theology. Thesis on links between social determinants of health and local faith community action for healthier communities.

Jim McManus's Interests & Activities:

Inside work Jim's interests are ensuring quality is core to what he does. Jim volunteers as a Trustee working on HR, culture and quality at one of Britain’s biggest and oldest hospices. Outside work Jim's interests include Reading, Cycling, Gardening and Weightlifting. He took up weightlifting to overcome the muscle wasting he experienced in surviving an aggressive Stage IVB cancer. He likes languages and can read, write and speak English, French (reasonable) and Italian (reasonable). His German and Spanish are much, much more rusty but enthusiastic. You can see Jim's slideshares here

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